Cosmetic facial plastic surgery is growing in popularity in Singapore as more and more Singaporean women in their 50s as well as young working professionals in their 20s-30s travelling overseas to have their plastic surgery makeover performed in their pursuit of an improved visual appearance.
Two of the most popular cosmetic surgery that many have undergone will be blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty.
Cosmetic blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) is a surgical procedure that is performed solely for aesthetically modifying the eye region of the face to improve our appearance by removing and tightening excess eyelid skin for a more alert, youthful appearance.
As you age, the eyelid skin stretches, muscles weaken and fat pockets become more prominent as they bulge. Your eyebrows, upper and lower eyelids may become droopy or baggy, causing you to appear tired, angry or older and sometimes even appear sad. Droopy eyelids are one of the main trigger for the ladies to consider eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty).
Blepharoplasty also known as “eyelid lift” can be performed to treat these conditions:
Chronic puffiness of the upper eyelids
Sagging, loose skin around the eyes
Puffy eye bags below the eyes and wrinkles in the lower eyelids
Drooping lower eyelids
Most Singapore plastic surgeons perform these 3 types of eyelid surgery: upper blepharoplasty; lower blepharoplasty; and East Asian blepharoplasty.
Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty (Eye Lift) Surgery
Due to aging, the upper eyelids may be sagging excessively or are puffy and inflated as a result of excess fat tissue. With upper eyelid surgery, the fat tissue and the redundant loose/excess skin of the upper eyelid that occurs with aging are removed and the remaining skin of the upper eyelid pulled taut and elevated so that you appear healthier and more youthful.
During the upper eyelid procedure, the surgeon makes tiny strategic incisions across the crease of the eyelid. To minimize or eliminate visible scarring, the incision will typically be placed in the upper crease of the eyelid. The surgery will usually take 1 – 2 hours and depending on each patient’s needs, miniscule eye muscles will be tightened and fat re-positioned to create a totally refreshed natural look that doesn’t change the shape of your eye.
Regardless which type of eyelid surgery you choose, it will have an all-encompassing effect of making the entire face look up to a decade younger.
Besides eyelid surgery, another popular aesthetic plastic surgery in Singapore is Rhinoplasty. Some people feel that they have a less than ideal nose and are seeking to improve the appearance of the nose. Rhinoplasty or nose job surgery is another common facial cosmetic procedure, usually performed to enhance the appearance of the nose.
With rhinoplasty procedure, you can augment or reduce or reshape your nose. Besides altering the overall size of the nose, this procedure can also remove a hump, narrow nostril width, change the angle between the upper lip and the nose, modify the shape of either the tip or the bridge of the nose, improve a collapsed or straighten a crooked nose.
There are two ways of doing rhinoplasty. One is closed-rhinoplasty that makes an incision to the inside of the nose, and the other is open-rhinoplasty that makes an incision to outside of the nose. Rhinoplasty surgery typically takes between one and two hours to perform and the results rhinoplasty are permanent. A well-done rhinoplasty can provide you a nice enhancement to your overall facial feature and thus improve your self confidence.
It is important to look for and only engage surgeons in trustworthy and reputable plastic surgery clinic in Singapore. A good place will be
Eczema, also commonly known as atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis. is a predominantly inherited condition that affect one to three percent of the population. Eczema has become increasingly common and it often starts in childhood. Usually people with atopic ezema are more prone to asthma, rhinitis and allergic reactions to drugs.
Itchy skin is the most common and noticeable symptom, with the skin being scaly, red and dry. It may be widespread or confined to the bends of the knees and elbows, or it may just affect the neck and face, or appear in one or two areas of the body. Eczema is not contagious. You cannot catch eczema by coming in contact with someone who has it.
We do not know exactly what causes eczema. Eczema comes about because of a failure to control certain aspects of the immune system. It is allergy to house dust mites, pollens, foods and bacteria that can be considered to be the cause of eczema.
What Your Doctor Can Do To Treat Eczema
Your doctor can help to identify the possible allergens by doing allergy tests and then give the appropriate treatment of the skin condition. Allergy tests can be in the form of skin prick tests and this is useful in identifying allergies to house dust, pollen, and sometimes food. Another allergy test is conducted by blood test which measure the level of antibodies against foods and other agents available.
Treatments for eczema include:
Moisturizing agents to help with the dryness and are useful for widespread or localised eczema where dry scaly sin is a problem.
Steroid creams and ointments to damp down the irritation and rash. This is usually the treatment for severe eczema and is useful in smaller doses for mild or intermittent eczema.
When there is bacteria infection on the skin then treatment creams that contain antibiotics and steroids or antiseptic washes to add to the bath or oral antibiotics can all be used to treat.
Evening primrose oil is useful for very dry and widespread eczema. This is best combined with a high polyunsaturated fatty acid diet.
What You Can Do To Treat Eczema
Avoid irritants. Many people with eczema, wool or man-made fibers that come in contact with the skin can trigger a flare. Choose cotton or silk type of clothing as they are often less irritating to the skin.
Take some nutritional supplements. Deficiencies of Vitamin B, zinc and the essential fatty acids can affect skin quality. You may need to take supplements for 3 months to see the full effect. It is often more useful when combined with supplements of evening primrose oil.
Reduce your exposure to house dust mite will help those with eczema who are known to be sensitive to it.
Stress has also been identified as a possible trigger to eczema so go on holiday and get some rest and relaxation as these are good for the immune system.
Breast Implants 101
Learn all about breast (boob) implants – the types of breast implant, cost of implants, silicone breast implant vs saline breast implant, before and after breast implant here in this article.
Types of Breast Implant:
In the market today, there are two types of materials used to fill the breast implant shells – silicone and saline. Each implant type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Your breast implant plastic surgeon can explain to you and advise you which type of breast implant material is more suitable for you which is based on your individual goals and desired outcome.
One of the advantages of silicone breast implants is that it tends to give a more natural look and feel results like natural breasts as compared to saline breast implants. This is because silicone gel is more similar in consistency to our actual breast tissue. It is less common to have the rippling effect that could occur with saline implants.
These advantages make it a popular choice among thinner women or those who want reconstructive breast surgery.
One of the disadvantages of silicone gel breast implants as compared to saline implants is that a rupture will most likely go undetected. In the event that a silicone implant ruptures, the silicone gel can escape the implant but stay within the pocket of tissue keeping the implant in place, thus making it difficult to detect a rupture. Another disadvantage of silicone breast implant is that it came pre-filled so requiring a larger incisions for the insertion.
Saline Breast Implants
Saline is a sterile solution of salt and water. In the event of a saline implant ruptures, it is immediately evident as the saline solution escapes the plastic lining quickly and the implant will collapse. And our body can take in the saline solution without any harmful effects thus making the biggest advantage of saline implants vs silicone is their safety.
While some people believe that silicone breast implants are softer and feel more natural, the latest saline implants are soft and very durable.
A main disadvantage of saline implant is the rippling effect that could occur with saline implants as they reveal ripples in their lining more easily as compared to silicone implants, thus making it less popular with reconstructive surgery patients, less sought after by thinner women who do not have a lot of breast tissue to be placed over the implants and women who have subglandular placement of the breast implants.
Nevertheless, both silicone and saline breast implants offer their own distinct advantages and disadvantages. The ultimate decision as to which type of breast implants is preferable depends entirely on the your own needs and goals.
The breast augmentation cost are associated with these components:
Anesthesiologist’s fees
Cost of breast implants
Hospital or facility fees
Cost of prescription and pain medication
Necessary medical tests
Post-surgical garments and other expenses
Overall, there is no one fixed price for 手机怎么翻ins墙 surgery as it will vary from one patient to another and are determined by various factors. There are three major costs associated with breast augmentation that, if reduced greatly should raise some red flags:
Surgeon’s Fees
Most board-certified plastic surgeons are unable to reduce their fees drastically because of the need to continue investing in the latest technology, meeting their continual education requirements as well as the high costs of maintaining their practices.
Extremely low surgeon’s fees might indicate that a surgeon is not board certified or that he or she is trying hard to fill an empty operating room schedule.
Anesthesiologist’s Fees
Just like in the case of surgeon’s fees, extremely low anesthesiologist’s fees could indicate that you might be dealing with an undertrained and/or one who has not board certified. It could also indicate that the quality of the anesthesia being used is substandard. You would not want to be put into any unnecessary risk in either event.
Facility Costs
You will want to be sure that your breast augmentation procedure is done in a facility that met stringent standards of safety, sterilization, and competence of staff. Meeting these standards could be expensive, which means the cost of a certified facility is generally going to be higher than that of a non-certified facility.
You will want to be wary of plastic surgeons who are charging too little for breast augmentation. At the same time you would not want to engage surgeons who charge exceptionally higher than their competitors for the procedure. Some surgeons charge a super high price with the desire to reflect and enhance their reputations as the “elite” practitioners. Sometimes, these surgeons do produce excellent results, but you should not assume that they are better skilled or experienced than surgeons whose prices fall within the mid-range.
We hope you find this article helps you in gaining a better understanding on breast implants.
Other related recommended reading:
Breast Implant vs Breast Augmentation
Who Is Suitable For Breast Lift Surgery
This is a great resource to get more details on breast augmentation:
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Hair Transplantation For Reversing Male Pattern Baldness
Hair Transplantation For Reversing Male Pattern Baldness
Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia and genetic hair loss, is the most common form of hair loss among men. It is a genetic condition that could be passed down from one’s family tree. Three common patterns of hair loss are a receding hairline, thinning crown, or general thinning
In the case of a receding hairline, hair is mostly lost at either side of one’s forehead, leaving a triangular shape in the middle. Receding hairline is also commonly known as a “widow’s peak”. For some men, the hairline will recede further until it either meets the crown or result in a large bald section at the front of the head or at the top of the head.
General thinning is a less common male pattern hair loss where the loss is spread evenly over the top of one’s scalp and will not affect the back and sides of the scalp. Thus the onset of hair loss will be less obvious and could take longer time to detect as the patient will not notice any distinct receding hairline or thinning crown. This type of general thinning can be prevented and treated.
Male pattern baldness affects each person differently. Some men may detect signs of thinning at an early age while others will be affected later on in life. Some may become completely bald if go without treatment while some will experience a much slower progression resulting in less severe thinning. The hair loss also takes different shapes where some will lose their hair mainly at the hairline whereas others will lose from the crown. Male pattern baldness rarely affects the sides or back of the hair.
How Do You Know If You Have Male Pattern Baldness:
You notice there is excessive hair on your pillow, or in the shower bed, or in your hands when styling your hair
Notice the appearance of a receding hair line or thinning hair
People around you may inform you that you are losing hair as you may not notice yourself
How To Treat Male Pattern Baldness
There are a number of ways to treat Male Pattern Baldness, including using laser devices, clinically proven medications, as well as visiting a 谁才是中国的Instagram?-云栖社区-阿里云:2021-7-3 · 这样的恶性循环,无疑是加速该平台的用户流失。 谁才是中国的Instagram nice”图片+标签“的产品形态让让用户通过分享进而发现同好,健康的社交氛围和对品牌的热衷使其成为时下时髦年轻人的生活伣伴。 in虽然多次在PR稿中标榜自己为“中国的Instagram”。 for a hair transplant procedure.
Male Pattern Hair Loss is a chronic condition that will progress if no action and treatment is taken. The more hair that is lost, the less chance your hair will have of making a full recovery, which is why most hair specialists always advise using a course of treatment before the condition progresses.
So when should you seek a solution to address your hair loss? The honest answer will be as soon and as early as possible – when you begin to see an increased amount of hair shedding, you should seek advice from a hair transplant specialist.
There are numerous products in the market today that have no clinical efficacy, so it is easy to waste time and money whilst your hair continues to shed. It is therefore very important that you carry out the necessary research before deciding how you are going to treat your hair loss.
The good news is that unless you have lost all or most of your hair, there is always a solution out there for you, whether it be a medical solution, a surgical FUE hair transplant, or a combination of the two.
For more information on hair transplant, you may visit website to find out more as it is a great site to seek quality information on hair replacement and restoration surgical treatment. Here is another great resource for finding the right FUE Hair Transplant Surgeon. Watch the below video to find out how to find a good hair surgeon and these are some questions that you could ask in choosing the right surgeon for your hair restoration procedure:
How long has the surgeon been performing hair transplant restoration surgery?
How many hair transplant procedures did the doctor perform in a month?
Does the hair transplant surgeon specialise in FUE hair transplantation surgery?
Ask if you are a suitable candidate for the FUE transplant
What are the possible risks involving hair transplantation procedure?
What are the likely side effects after the procedure?